UPDATE TrustJacker is 3 X More Powerful, see inside how this is possible.
UPDATE TrustJacker is 3 X More Powerful, see inside how this is possible.
UPDATE TrustJacker is 3 X More Powerful, see inside how this is possible.
UPDATE TrustJacker is 3 X More Powerful, see inside how this is possible.
This is Huge! This is more of a New Software Altogether rather than just an update. Plus even with these massive updates, I've kept the price the same, for now. In this update 1. 2 X more sites. 2. More Powerful teired linking. 3. NEW Petes Instant Indexer Added in the software. 4. Use more than 1 Google Account. 5. PDF Update, now 2 X Google sites listed PLUS the account name of the google account used to create the sites listed. See the infographic detailing the above here. https://petestrafficsuite.com/showthread.php?3402-Beta-Test-our-Amazing-Google-Trust-HiJacker-Software-Steal-Google-Traffic-to-Any-Site-U-Like-NOW You want to Rank AND get Indexed fast? Now we create 2 X Sites.Google per keyword. We use 2 different google accounts, more on this later. Trust Jacker creates the first Site and pages using your Keywords THEN It uses the same keywords to create a 2nd Site. Remembering all these pages created are totally unique and different from those previously created. But this time, we use a very "Powerful and Unique" Linking Strategy on each new page created on this 2nd Google Site linking to the Internal Pages of the First site Created... Obviously this will boost the first sites created in Google. THEN Pete's Instant Indexer....... This is so powerful, that I didn't want it to negatively affect our rankings, so we use it to index the 2nd sites created only. So you'll see your 2nd site indexed immediately in google. But remember these pages all have links back to the original Sites created so they'll get indexed over time like normal sites (Remember when Automating tasks, we like to keep them as natural looking as possible, so our software stays safe) and suffer no penalties. Though we enjoy instant Google Listings of the second sites created. To date, we've had no negative effect on these second sites created and powerfully indexed, so we might add it to the first sites eventually after more testing, looking forward to your feedback on this. Tons of links are generated to the 2nd sites, with links back to the original sites Giving Extremely Powerful Tiered links back to the original sites and any money site you are promoting in the software. Boom! I know this is a ton of information so If you have any questions ask here https://petestrafficsuite.com/showthread.php?3402-Beta-Test-our-Amazing-Google-Trust-HiJacker-Software-Steal-Google-Traffic-to-Any-Site-U-Like-NOW This update has turned an already incredibly poweful SEO tool to some Next Level SEO tom foolery LOL Remember each of these pages created above, cloak your real money making site. Be it A really profitable affiliate site. A Lead Generation Site A Local Biz SEO Client. ** That means when Anyone Clicks on one of these Google Sites IN Google, they don't go to that site they go to ANY URL you enter in the software :) There's just too much for one email.. Video coming shortly. Get on this now before I up the price to reflect the power of this software. My members are already asking me to raise it to $1K per month :) Which is not unreasonable for a product of this quality and performance. https://petestrafficsuite.com/showthread.php?3402-Beta-Test-our-Amazing-Google-Trust-HiJacker-Software-Steal-Google-Traffic-to-Any-Site-U-Like-NOW Cheers Pete P.S. I've had health issues the last couple of weeks, which never happens to me, but I got shingles can you believe it, thus the tardiness on this release of this update.
from hangoutmembers http://archive.aweber.com/hangoutmembers/O_zVx/t/UPDATE_TrustJacker_is_3_X.htm
via Blogger http://howtomakemoneywithgooglehangouts.blogspot.com/2018/06/update-trustjacker-is-3-x-more-powerful.html
June 12, 2018 at 06:11PM
via Blogger http://howtomakemoneywithgooglehangouts.blogspot.com/2018/06/update-trustjacker-is-3-x-more-powerful_12.html
June 12, 2018 at 07:11PM
via Blogger http://howtomakemoneywithgooglehangouts.blogspot.com/2018/06/update-trustjacker-is-3-x-more-powerful_54.html
June 12, 2018 at 10:11PM
via Blogger http://howtomakemoneywithgooglehangouts.blogspot.com/2018/06/update-trustjacker-is-3-x-more-powerful_73.html
June 13, 2018 at 01:11AM