Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Johns Brilliant Pokemon Go Content and MY Bonus inside, all for only 7

Well firstly, thanks for that massive response yesterday, My email and FB PM's lit up after emailing yesterday, its great to see so many people can see the opportunity presented so soon. I actually wrote an article about this on Medium.com when Pokemon Go was only out for 6 days. That article is antiquated already LOL. Honestly, this is a long term play, its not often we get to jump on something so massive at, for lack of a better word, ground floor opportunity etc. This GEO thing is massive, it actually "Brings" actual people to your business or obviously your clients business's. You know how popular it is these days, to be a, in air quotes "Social Media Manager" for companies right now. These people will either need to up their game, or they'll be second to the GEO Marketing managers, in the near future. I've personally bought every PokemonGo product out there, and will continue to do so as they come out. Johns Product is as good as it gets, and they certainly put together an amazing "Package" of so much content. In terms of content you can use yourself, or resell. Pretty much enough content to start up any Pokemon Go related biz you like Online OR Offline. PLUS awesome strategies, there's so many of them, that for sure there'll be something for you. After reading it, I came up with a plan. Firstly domain name. I used the Pokemon Go Popular term PokeStop (this is what everyone looks for to get free pokeballs and other trinkets in the game) and used a new domain extension and registered Pokestop.cafe (registered, but no content as of now) This will be an information portal with specific strategies, mainly long term strategies. I have strategies for income and traffic generation. I sincerely encourage you to invest in this product and start studying this new type of business model. Why? Its just not that often you get the chance to be at the forefront of something so knew and be able to become a thought leader for this new movement, ok maybe not thought leader, sounds a bit cultish LOL Authority would be a better term. I can guarantee you, after reading all the information presented here http://jvz1.com/c/41450/227736 LOL only 7 plus a couple of inexpensive OTO's which I suggest you grab like I did. You'll be more than comfortable presenting "Yourself as an Authority" to any small business who you can target and know will benefit from this new social phenomenon. And of course charge accordingly, or like me, create an online space to pro fit from it. My Bonus, which your going to love. My bonus is, that if you reply to this email you'll get access or my Pokemon Go or GEO marketing Facebook Mastermind group. Inside there I'll reveal my entire online strategy. which I'll start rolling out next week, as you know i've got a bunch of products coming out already, so time is limited on my side. I don't have time to scratch myself these days, but I cannot let this one slide, so most likely people in the group will surpass me. But here's the thing together as a group, we can smash this thing and each push each other forward. As you can see I'm in this for the long haul and hope you will join me and the many others who've already ordered via my link etc. The idea with this group is that we all share info as it comes in and push each other forward etc. Not to mention Johns incredible bonus offers here. They put equal work into the bonus conet as the main offer. Pretty impressive stuff. Bonus page http://plrsourcecodes.com/freepokemongoplrpackages/?id=41450&&name=Peter%Drew I really hope I've inspired you to jump in with both feet like I have, because I know it will pay off many times for many years to come. Cheers Pete To get my bonus reply to this email with your PP transaction ID and I'll send you over the Private FB group details etc.

from hangoutmembers http://archive.aweber.com/hangoutmembers/9hMiq/t/Johns_Brilliant_Pokemon_Go.htm

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